Anti Hierarchy: Don’t Conform

Posted on Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011 at 9:22 am

Anti Hierarchy 002.

The lyrics and music of this piece were written by Tony Cardinal in his house at Five Dock in 1982.
Tony is a fantastic drummer and this band showcases his ability and stamina. He plays fast, tight and with flair.
We used Tony’s spare room to write and rehearse before we had a house/rehearsal space in Petersham.

The recording from this session was dubbed from cassette to cassette and then digitised by myself. It never was a good recording. I’ve EQ’d it to try and make it sound better but thats all. It is what it is. Its abrasiveness is a great quality, suited to the musical ideas we were pursuing. It’s a brutal asthetic, but it’s the right asthetic.

Number 3 of 7 in the Prelinger Archive mashup collection
More words on Anti Hierarchy can be read at the description for the piece Conscription For The Young.


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